
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Health Benefit of Papaya Leaves

Health Benefit of Papaya Leaves
Papaya can be one among of all the healthiest fruits in Asia Countries. In daily life, almost of the parts of papaya has been using in many helpful ways to provide a good health benefits to the people.
Since the past, Asian people have used papaya leaves to cure many dieses. In surprisingly, according to several studies found out that stems and leaves on the plant sap of papaya contains a lot of milky white latex (milk or white). This milky white latex is likely developed as anticancer.
Besides beneficial to cancer problem, this green leaves are also good for other things, so let take a look at below. 

Health Benefit of Papaya Leaves:
-       Can be used for women’s health such as to treat vaginal discharge, fever due to childbirth, menstruation, and smooth launch breast milk.
-       Helps to smooth the skin
-       Strengthens the network to be more resilient
-       Keeps the teeth from plaque deposits
-       Treats the other common diseases such as flu, malaria, and fever
-       Goods for Acne problems

-       Helps to cure Leucorrhoea problems
-       Can be use for Child Bed Fever prevention
-       Goods for Smooth menstruation
-       Helps in Malaria
-       Boosts the energy

Nutrition of Papaya Leaves:

Papaya leaves also contains a variety of substances including vitamins A, B1, calories, protein, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and water.
Moreover, Papaya latex contains more than 50 amina acids, such as aspartic acid, threonine, serine, glutamic acid, proline, glycine, alanine, valine, isoleucine, leucine, tyrosine, phenylalanine, histidine, lysin, arginine, tritophan, and cysteine.

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